About Wendy
From the first few minutes of meeting Wendy you will see her passion for all things permaculture. An avid student of all things sustainable with dirt under her finger nails.
Her academic experience includes:
Graduate Certificate in Permaculture Design (CQ University)
Permaculture Design Certificate (Kul Kul Farm, Bali)
Advanced Permaculture Design Course (Dan Palmer)
Living Smart Facilitator course (Ecoburbia WA)
Permaculture Design Certificate (Food Forest, Galwer, SA)
Bachelor of Teaching (Uni SA)
A teacher by profession, she loves to share. She also loves to connect. People to people, people to knowledge. Every meeting with Wendy will include a cup of tea, a question, a suggestion and swapping - you will not go away empty handed.
"Permaculture = a new regenerative culture"
"Luckily for us all, Permaculture is brimming over not just with answers, but with solutions"